:briefcase: Nuro

:briefcase: Nuro

From May 2023 to August 2023, I was a Systems Engineering Intern at Nuro.

HIL Automated Testing Framework

My intern project scope was to evaluate the status of Hardware-in-loop testing (HIL) and available resourcs, to determine the best solution towards expanding test coverage and capabilities. The impact of this work was to make tests repeatable and highly automated, which greatly accelerates product development while also catching regressions, and saving time and costs. My investigation resulted in a unified Python test platform supporting use cases by the Embedded, Controls and Systems team.

Skills and Learnings:

Dependent Failure Analysis

A mini-project I took on was to begin a dependent failure analysis between the autonomy computer hardware and the drive system, with the specific scope being Power. The eventual impact of this work was to allow more vehicle faults to be handled in autonomy.

Skills and Learnings: